Martin from Scan Shipping notified me on Monday, I can pick up my car at 29 April from Muuga port in Estonia. At port it took some time for entrance and wasted time for waiting in wrong place. In right place we took pictures of sealed door and opened the container. There she is, Amphibear without pontoons, but with all the rest of equipment.
Started happily to release Amphibear from his sea voyage prison. After half an hour jumping on the lever was not so happy any more. Strong fastening!
Front was easier, just to get there was tight. So we towed the released Amphibear out of container. Opened up the car and all boxes and called for coastguard. Soon patrol came, checked only the body number and said, as registered in Estonia it needed no control at all. Just to drive out of port territory their control paper is helpful.
For last Amphibear journey drive from port to home some more preparations were needed. As surprise both car key batteries had lost their power. So, we started our drive like alarm vehicle, but soon system recognized the key. All the rest worked as before and twenty kilometers to home were uneventful. Now Amphibear is at home and I start with cleaning, repairing and storing all equipment.
Amphibear drove on its own from Tallinn to Cabo Verde islands with Gibraltar crossing and Atlantic crossing from Senegal to Cabo Verde on the way. Then after few hundred kilometers in Atlantic pontoons were broken, Amphibear was rescued by Geoholm and shipped to Rio De Janeiro. In hope for new pontoons Amphibear traveled little more in South America, up to Lima. This was remarkable journey. It was possible because of help of so many people.
You were always with me in you thoughts. Thank you!
Mait Nilson.